Blue Flower

Autores: Diogo Carreiras, Paula Castilho, Marina Cunha


Borderline features can be identified in adolescence and may have a psychopathological expression. This study aimed to characterize borderline features in Portuguese adolescents from the general population. The sample included 1,005 adolescents (586 females), Mage =   15.35 years. Girls presented higher borderline features than boys, and no differences were found between age groups. The more prevalent features were feelings of abandonment and emotional intensity. Borderline features presented a  negative  correlation  with  school  performance  and  positive  correlations  with  psychopathological  symptoms.  The  regression  model indicated that impulsivity, suicide ideation, stress, and depression were the significant predictors of borderline personality symptoms. These results show the importance of assessing borderline features at an early age and prevention.

Páginas: 159-167

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